What We Do

UK Intolerance Testing Service. Available by post worldwide.

Allergylink Closure 1.2.2025



We are specialised ...

in Alternative Testing for Food Intolerance

& Substance Sensitivity


Allergy Link is a small independent alternative specialist offering unique combination testing for foods and non-foods by post (Formerly known as Allergy & Intolerance Test). We offer testing for individuals as well as providing testing for health professionals, practitioners and clinics around the world.

From the onset the aim was to develop a comprehensive test that combines testing for Intolerance'Allergy' and Substance Sensitivity in one test.

The tests provide a current picture of specific foods, non-foods and environmental substances - potential allergens - which may cause adverse reactions or indicate that a food or substance poses some form of 'stress' to the body - cause a burden - or is ‘disagreeable’ and thus is likely to be a contributor to any 'adverse reaction' symptoms - specific and non-specific. 

Our aim is to deliver a high quality service offering a pain-free and affordable testing service by post, presenting a solution that doesn’t compromise on quality.


We offer Comprehensive Holistic testing

  • Painless and non-invasive
  • suitable for all ages – children from 6 months
  • Convenient testing in the comfort of your own home
  • Fast and efficient service  7-14 working days
  • Comprehensive detailed report –  explaining Adverse Reactions
  • Choice of report delivery: by email or by post
  • Multiple test / family discount


The tests are suitable for all ages - children from 6 months


Intolerance vs. Allergy Testing

The term 'allergy’ as utilized by Allergy-Link, refers to the generic term commonly used by the general public describing any form of adverse or negative reaction - a potential 'link to allergy'. We use the wording 'Adverse Reaction', 'Allergy', 'Intolerance' and 'Substance Sensitivity' interchangeably also with allergy-like reaction, sensitivity or energy toxin. 

However, only a minority of people are affected by medical classed allergies - app. 5% of adults and app. 12% of children. True allergies are signified by an IgE mediated immune response and usually cause immediate reactions and in serious cases can cause life threatening anaphylactic shock.

Most people experience intolerances or substance sensitivities; while many people with digestive 'discomfort' would experience 'food related symptoms'. Intolerances and Substance Sensitivity - are associated with many common diseases; and can be a contributing factor - minor or major, a temporary or chronic condition or even the primary cause of ill health.

Food Intolerances are not addressed by either medical blood tests or by skin prick tests.  Blood tests can only address classic Type 1 allergies with immediate reactions, indicating IgE allergen-specific immunoglobulin E antibody. From an allergological perspective IgG tests are also unsuitable for determining food allergies reliably.


'Allergy Testing' as such has been claimed by the medical profession as their domain alone to establish true Type 1 IgE mediated allergies.

Allergy Link has been providing unique combination Allergy & Intolerance testing since 2004. In the autumn of 2021 we had to remove any claims of 'Allergy Testing'. After an NHS doctor had claimed that Allergy Link needs to remove all claims made with regards to 'Allergy' Testing, or he would escalate a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.

However, Allergy testing is not a standard procedure within the NHS. It is rather grossly neglected, leaving many patients with severe allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock without follow-up appointments for testing; and if so they are put on a 12+ months waiting list. While alternative testing is being criticized as unreliable and non-validated, the NHS fails to deliver allergy testing for sufferers at large.

We had to include 'People with probable allergy are urged to consult their GP, with immediate reactions, hives, itchy rash or swelling. Any person suffering an immediate IgE mediated reaction to a specific food should consult a medical practitioner to discuss avoidance, testing for type 1 (IgE mediated) allergy, risk assessment for anaphylaxis and emergency medication'.

Instead of squabbling over competence, we would welcome cooperation in helping people.





How is the test carried out?

Our unique test method, employs a standardised test-protocol for detecting adverse reactions, Intolerances & substance sensitivities; and is influenced by the pioneering work from NAET® ‘Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Techniques and Allergy Antidote™.

Based on Vibrational Medicine, the test is established through a 'biofeedback' method called Radiesthesia. The refined testing procedure utilizes an information carrier - a hair sample - which contains the energy imprint or frequencies of a person.


The tests are designed to be self-explanatory - with comprehensive information about reactions. The comprehensive information provided will most likely answer any questions you may have.

Please follow the link for the instruction on 'How to order your test - in 4 simple steps'


We like to stress that the testing Allergy-Link provides is not medically approved. Whilst the intolerance analysis can help to supplement or support the alleviation of health complaints or illnesses, its therapeutic effectiveness has not been proven by reliable scientific findings and is unsuitable for diagnostic purposes in the sense of conventional medicine. Allergy-Link is an independent alternative specialist, working in conjunction with complimentary and alternative medicine practitioners. 



 Disclaimer: The use of Allergy Links testing service  implies your acceptance of the disclaimer.






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