Acupuncture Treatments for Allergies

Acupuncture is one of the best available treatment for Allergies, Intolerances and associated Symptoms.

Most cutting edge allergy treatments today work with the meridians - the energy pathways through which our vital energy (Qi) flows.
These energy based techniques or meridian techniques include:

  • Kinesiology & muscle testing
  • EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques
  • TAT Tapas Acupressure Techniques
  • Allergy Antidote, NAET, ... to name but a few

Acupuncture works with the bodies energy system - also known as meridians - to balance and regulate the associated organs and systems. Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which also includes Chinese Herbal Medicine, movement and meditation practice such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong, Acupressure, Foods for Healing and chinese psychology.

TCM has been used to effectively treat allergies for hundreds of years. Both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine have been shown to help people with asthma, seasonal allergies, allergic rhinitis, eczema, food allergies and various other allergies and associated symptoms.

The results of several studies suggest that TCM therapies like acupuncture can be very helpful for any allergic condition.

Acupuncture is widely available and easily accessible in the UK.


What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical system that takes a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and applies them to the human body. TCM is not 'New Age', nor is it a patchwork of different healing modalities. TCM is a complete medical system that has been practiced for more than five thousand years.

At the heart of TCM is the tenet that the root cause of illnesses, not their symptoms, must be treated. In modern-day terms, TCM is holistic in its approach; it views every aspect of a persons body, mind, spirit, and emotions as part of one complete circle rather than loosely connected pieces to be treated individually.

Major Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Modalities
Often Western practitioners and their patients or clients derive their understanding of TCM from acupuncture. However, acupuncture is only one of the major treatment modalities of this comprehensive medical system based on the understanding of Qi or vital life energy.

These major treatment modalities are:

• Qigong: an energy practice, generally encompassing simple movements and postures. Some
Qigong systems also emphasize breathing techniques.

• Herbal Therapy: the use of herbal combinations or formulas to strengthen and support organ
system function Acupuncture: the insertion of needles in acupoints to help Qi flow smoothly.

• Acupressure: the use of specific hand techniques to help Qi flow smoothly.

• Foods for Healing: the prescription of certain foods for healing based on their energy essences or
energy signatures, not nutritional value.

• Chinese Psychology: the understanding of emotions and their relationship to the internal organ
systems and their influence on health.



Please Note:
This page offers information only about Treatment Options for Allergies & Intolerances. Allergy Link does not provide Allergy or Intolerance treatments.




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